Wednesday 7 May 2008

Horrific thought for the day! LSC and the way we work

Can you think of anything more frightening than this proposal?

The Proposals
3. Electronic Working Arrangements
3.1. We propose that from April 2010 all legal service providers, including advocates and family mediators, will be required to use the Legal Services Commissions (LSC) electronic system to submit information that would otherwise be sent in on paper forms directly to the LSC. Providers would also be required to use the LSC’s online client management system, which would include means and merits test functionality (see Chapter 5) and a client database (Chapter 4). From a technical perspective providers would need the same minimum IT requirements as for use of the LSC’s existing electronic billing system:

This is taken from HERE. If you are a provider of CLS then you should have a read if only a very quick read as it will undoubtedly effect your life if unfortunate enough not to have to found a new job by April 2010.

Many of the proposals just like the NHS computer system, tax credits and alcohol free beer are very good in theory but really just don't work very well.

Considering the fact that the LSC are about as good with technology as a one legged man in an arse kicking contest (thanks Rowan) then I dread to think what will actually happen. Undoubtedly it will involve millions of pounds spent on consultants who happen to mates with the chief executive.

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