Wednesday 14 May 2008

Don't read my blog,

No REALLY, stop reading!

Go read THIS instead.

Whilst the ECHR believe it won't impact on the majority of possession claims it may well be that us advisers don't usually see 'normal' possession cases may have use of this one.

Whilst it remains to be seen if it's a Decade Altering Decision, it would be tough to beat London and Quadrant v Ansell in my humble opinion, I look forward to it's impact on defending non-secure tenancies, demoted tenancies, and other public body tenants who have no defense to possession.

Right I'm off to ponder good proportional defenses as to be honest I usually just went on about necessary and proportional in the hope that the other side got as confused as I was and gave up. Fortunately at a County Court level this worked rather well as the mere mention of Public Body to Housing Associations would usually result in a swift surrender. Even where it didn't I could refer it to someone who has far more IQ than me (not hard) and paid a lot more than me :)

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