Monday 14 April 2008

Depressing times

Saw a young man this morning just out from prison, having done a 6 week stint inside.

No health problems, just a long history of street homelessness. The chap really wanted to get his life back together but there are so many barriers preventing him from doing so.

Local Housing Allowance will only pay 70 odd quid a week for shared accommodation as he's under 25. He went to the LA who turned him away, not even accepting a homeless approach of course (unfortunately no sufficient benefit in forcing them to in this case, thanks oh mighty LSC guidance on sufficient benefit).

He was on the list for a hostel but didn't want to go in as it was full of alcoholics and he had detoxed in prison and didn't want to go back to drink.

So he was thinking about committing another offence just to go back to prison as at least inside it was warm and he was fed.

Can you blame him?

Everyone makes mistakes in life but in this case as is so often the case those mistakes will cost you everything.


Anonymous said...

I'm not totally up to speed on the law regarding benefits and human rights, but why is there one rule for the over 25s and one for the under 25s? Is there a JR in this, using Art. 14 taken with Art.8 and/or A1 P1?

House said...

It's like working tax credits which you can't claim till your 25 (unless you have a child and a few other exceptions). I'm not sure what the difference between let's say 21 and 25 is but that's when the government seems to have decided you can have your own place rather than just share.

I'm not sure about the JR part would have to look into it (that or speak to someone who knows a lot more than me!)